Kevin McKeown

Santa  Monica  Mayor




Thank you, Santa Monica.  In November of 2018, you elected me to my sixth term on our City Council.  As always, my campaign took no corporate contributions nor developer donations.  Over 85% of my contributors were individual residents of our city (an unprecedented proportion), and I won in every single precinct citywide.

I was proud to serve yet again as your Councilmember! 
I represented you as Chair of the Westside Cities Council of Governments, on the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission, and as your Director on the Board of the Clean Power Alliance, providing 100% renewably sourced electricity to Santa Monica.  In 2020, for the second time, I enjoyed the privilege of being your Mayor, including presentation of Santa Monica’s 2020 State of the City.

For more than 25 years, I updated an ongoing website explaining my stand on issues and sharing
my enthusiasm for our hometown.  Websites became less relevant as a source of information, and the software package I’d used for creating and updating pages and adding videos became obsolete.
I know the site looks primitive, but it is still functional.  Because the history of our shared progress on Santa Monica issues remains worth memorializing, I’ve left all the text, videos, and other such references complete, here, upon my retirement — but I shall no longer be updating my website.

Archived artisanal website written and created by Kevin McKeown with iWeb and 100% recycled electrons.

User info is not collected.  You have free access to everything.  No questions asked.

Among my legacies: stronger rent control; about 2000 new affordable homes; a “right to return” for minorities displaced by past City actions; living wages and job protections for our hospitality workers; bringing regional light rail to Santa Monica; converting our Big Blue Bus to clean electricity; the first municipal bike share in the region; safer protected bike lanes; the country’s best short-term rental law; a “Rights of the Environment” law to make polluters pay; our 100% sustainable City Hall East; and closing Santa Monica Airport to create a Great Park.